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Percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy catheter or set with pigtail and a T-fastener system for fixation. Seldinger technique. For patients who need the direct administration of nutrients through the catheter due to neurological problems, injuries or malformation of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Code Description Catheter diameter Use Components
CG-18 Percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy catheter 18 fr Central Pigtail 1.Gastrostomy catheter
1.Straightener tube
1.Fixation disc
CG-14 14 fr
CG-12 12 fr
CGP-14 14 fr Distal Pigtail
CGP-12 12 fr
SCG-18 Percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy set 18 fr Central Pigtail 1.Gastrostomy catheter
1.Three T-fastener kit for gastropexy
1.Neddle for T-fastener placement
Introducer needle
1.Dilator set
1. 0.038″ Metallic guide-wire
1.Straightener tube
1.Fixation disc
1.Feeding syringe
SCG-14 14 fr
SG-12 12 fr
SGP-14 14 fr Distal Pigtail
SGP-12 12 fr




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